Do you feel that you are losing your grip on reality because of social media and the internet? Do you feel unprotected connecting with strangers on social media? Are you concerned about your kids connecting with strangers on social media? Are you facing hurdles in connecting with real neighbors? If you responded with “yes” to any of these questions, you need to be more concerned.
What does the virtual world take from you?
With the advent of technology, we began to focus only on virtual connections while lagging in the concept of socialization. As our time online has gone up, so have anxiety, depression and suicide rates, particularly among youth. It is not merely tampering with our mental health and ability to observe & learn, but it is also affecting us in our day – to day lives. Some of them are listed below.
- We are being systematically trained to develop a negative thought process, divisiveness, which pushes us into loneliness and depression.
- We lose our ability to observe the world around us as the virtual world does not allow us to observe people’s activities or how they talk and behave.
- Moreover, we have forgotten how to connect to people in real life, while spending most of our lives inside, we may learn etiquette from Google, YouTube, etc we miss out on honest conversations & genuine face-to-face interaction with people.
- Another thing that the virtual world takes from us is our presence of mind. Most heavy internet users are never aware of being present in the moment due to a plethora of distractions.
- It is also important for us to know that the virtual world takes our personal information. (eg. name, contact, date of birth, IP address). Some of which we happily share without thinking about it. Why do social media platforms need that level of our personal details? What are they going to do with that info? Is it safe to share?.
In reality, we are losing our privacy & the result of those we see in our day-to-day life. Cybercrimes can be a great example of it.
Communication is everything; therefore, we need to develop this skill within ourselves, amongst real-world neighbors, too, rather than invest our whole time with our internet friends. Interacting with real people it’s the key to developing real confidence and satisfaction. It’s time to reduce our Social Media use, why? check out this. Let’s not forget our kids are watching us and follow us at 10x faster speed.
Why is it necessary to connect with a real neighborhood?
While it is great making connections with people who live thousands of miles away, we are missing out on interacting with the people living just a few steps away from us. People with whom we can share things in the real world & build long-lasting memories. People who can be a part of our daily life and share a moment with us. Today’s busy life schedule does bring some challenges in that, but through applications like OlaGate we can use digital neighborhood with the people of our own community, we need to realize the importance of this. It comes real handy,
- In case of any emergency, our social media friends or those who are a thousand miles away connected through WhatsApp group will not be available to help. In such situations, you need to have a real person from your neighborhood.
- In order to have or maintain good mental health, you need to make actual connections & have regular interaction.
- To find a company to go out for walks, gym & or just share thoughts. Think how many people live right next to you that you can do all this with. People from your own community, who live similar lifestyle & can understand us better than anyone else.
Don’t get stuck with reserved life at the apartment, open up yourself and enjoy every moment’s life.
To build memories: Neighborhood or social media?
Whether you are looking for a partner with whom you can share thoughts, or you want to make memories for a lifetime on a day-to-day basis, social media is never an option for either of these two situations. To uplift your emotional well-being, you always need someone whom you can trust and meet whenever you want in real life. Do you really want to share your emotions within a group where you don’t know all the members, where they’re from, where they live, what’s their intention to be part of your group?
OlaGate is the right option if you are seeking to create some new memories with trustworthy people living around you from your own community. As the Olagate “Community Connect” a.k.a “Society Feed”, only permits approved residents of your community. It makes it feasible to identify the participants and hold them accountable, resulting in a respectful and safe community to engage with.
All-in-all, it is high time you value your neighborhood friends and spent a good amount of time with them. Make the most of your life by sharing memories and moments with people who can stay around you all the time. Enjoy a happy neighborhood with OlaGate App.