Startup Parenting - Nurturing the Seed

Nurturing the Seed: How Parenting and Startup Building Share the Same Vision & Mission.

Finding Purpose in Parenting and Entrepreneurship As a founder, you are likely driven by a desire to address a particular cause or concern, one that resonates with your personal experience,…

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Committee Formation & Builder Handover Process

Conveyance deed & Builder Handover Process

The process of handing over of an apartment from a builder to a registered society typically involves the following steps: Completion of construction: First and foremost the builder must complete…

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OGOM - OlaGate Property Management

Stuck with an Incompetent Solo Manager? You’re Not Alone!

Many Residents Welfare Association (RWA) teams today are stressed out while running their society. Running a society is no longer a one-man show, and that’s why there is a mandate…

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Budget for cooperate housing societies in india

How to prepare a budget for a cooperative housing society?

Here is a general process for preparing a budget for a cooperative housing society in India: Review past financial performance: Review the society’s past financial performance, including its income, expenses,…

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compliance requirements for registered cooperative housing societies

What are the compliance requirements for registered cooperative housing societies in India?

Compliance with housing laws in India. In India, there are several housing laws that cooperative housing societies must comply with, including: The Cooperative Societies Act, 1912: This act governs the…

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manage the Financials of the Cooperative Housing Society

How to manage the Financials of the Cooperative Housing Society (CHS) in India.

Financial management for a cooperative housing society involves maintaining the society’s accounts of income and expenditure and preparing an audited annual statement of accounts. The society must ensure that all…

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The constitution or the bylaws of the cooperative housing society

How to prepare cooperative housing societies’ (CHS) bylaws?

The constitution or the bylaws of the cooperative housing society outlines the rights and obligations of the members of the society. It should include the name of the society, its…

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Cooperative Societies Registration

How do register cooperative housing societies in India?

All cooperative housing societies must be registered with the Registrar of Cooperative Societies in their respective states. Here is the general process involved in the registration of a cooperative society….

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