Today, we are facing the entrance and growth of delivery apps. Boasting the claims of “Enhanced user experience” and “Quick but Discounted Service”, delivery apps are exploiting the entire trading ecosystem, which used to be healthy and vintage beauty. Those times when loyal local customers reach out to their warm family sellers is coming to an end, sadly. And this is a fair warning that such an ending can hamper the entire organic purchasing value and possibility you can have.
No doubt that technology made it possible for immediate purchasing. But it is coming at the cost of long-term, deep-rooted polluted consumerism. Technology is inherently never an issue. But because of the greedy motivation of delivery apps, you and your local sellers are falling apart.
Because most of the online delivery apps are misleading you with short-sighted offers, preventing you from loyal local businesses and stealing profits from which your neighbourhood could get benefitted. Ordering online is a consequence of the internet’s evolution. But instead of ordering online from your local neighbourhood, you are attracted to delivery apps. So what is exactly happening here? How are delivery apps killing your warm, enriching local businesses?
Trapping Customers With Toxic Marketing Practices
Delivery apps invest heavily in marketing. This boosts them to magnanimously offer aggregated goods and services at discounted prices. You share good relations with your community’s local sellers, and local neighbourhoods are contaminated. In short, they are temporarily pleasing you and permanently spoiling your neighbourhood which you need for a promising future.
Free subscription models, discounts, coupons, frequent offers, etc., are some of the marketing practices you are subjected to. These are ways these delivery apps try to reach out to you. In the entire process, you won’t even realize that you are growing distant from your local business seller. These temporary offers are succeeding in stealing you from your local business. No? How many times have you directly ordered from your local neighbourhood?
We are not done yet. Their list of toxic business practices doesn’t end here. It goes much deeper and gets murkier from here on.
Ripping Local Businesses’ Credit, Reviews & Growth
The reviews credits for products and services you list are going into the wrong pockets of the delivery apps. Sweat, services, and sacrifices are by your local businesses, but the business of these delivery apps is growing. In this regard, they are not just stealing credits, reviews, and business growth—the project and marketing of these essential components to the advantage of their delivery applications. Further, some of you might have tried to call local businesses from the numbers provided in delivery apps. You may have thought that it is good to directly contact them. Even though your act is intended right, just because you have called from the numbers provided by the delivery apps, your local businesses lose money. Those long-standing community businesses you watched while growing have their numbers and online delivering channels. If you want to give credit and channel your satisfaction into their deserving growth and respect, use their channels to call, express, and connect. Never use delivery apps or the numbers or channels those delivery apps project. In the end, delivery apps only try to rip the local neighbourhood.
Loyal Consumer Experience is Being Threatened
Experience is what matters to a consumer. And that experience doesn’t end with getting the goods or services. The entire process of selecting products from trustworthy local sellers getting personal assurances for a safe online delivery forms part of your experience.
- Trust,
- Loyalty,
- Purchasing power,
- Faithful user experience and sampling
Are the cherries your local business always has in their store for you? But delivery apps deviated you from them, and you missed on their fundamental, enriching features that give you “High Satisfactory Quotient”.
The maximum satisfaction you can get from your local businesses is a defining factor. But these delivery apps’ hype is influencing you to see your local shops as small shops. But please, don’t get carried away with the hype. Hype cannot provide you with organic products and services to their full potential in the best way. Delivery apps invest their investor funding to sugar-coat their business and belittle the local businesses and small shops of your community. Don’t! Buy! That!
Let’s Pledge To Keep Local Shops and Local Businesses Alive and Vibrant!
Your neighbourhood or community’s local businesses are withering in anticipation to present you with vintage experiences online. But various delivery apps are ruining the possibilities and threatening the consumer experience. The invasion of delivery apps is highly hampering consumerism and turning into a serious lifestyle problem.
The more you choose to stay away from those delivery apps, the more you use technology to online order from local shops [Proudly, small shops], the better our future would be. Because remember one thing, you won’t live on the internet. You always wish to have a cherished, growing, and enhanced neighbourhood and community life. For that to happen, order online from your local neighbourhood and small shops.
A future with loyalty, trust, and warm consumerism is a future well built, is an ecosystem well crafted. Be part of the change that you wish to enjoy and savour. Soon it will reap remarkable rewards preserving the existence of your local community and its small shops. Order from your local small shops! Their best business practices are waiting for your orders.